Improving Every Day
with Our Knowledge and Experience

We consider ourselves fortunate: in the last 30 years we saw almost all business situations imaginable. Spread wings and success, crisis and failure. Progress and growth, defeat and collapse. Takeover and merger, bankruptcy and liquidation. Fairness, integrity, trickery, disappointment.
Every person and every situation taught us something. Strength. Struggle. Perseverance. Creativity.
We saw many mistakes. Insularity. Panic. Irresponsibility. Unpreparedness and atony. Megalomania.
We had the chance nevertheless to meet a great number of talented and charismatic leaders. Inspiring personalities. Companies managed and led professionally. Innovative solutions.
We saw what makes one company better than the next one. We saw what differentiates industries. We saw what makes the real leader. We saw what it takes to be really prepared. We saw why vision matters.
We led massive organizations. Fought in fierce battles in the marketplace. We approached the world with open minds and learnt. We motivated and we taught.
This is what we now rely on when we undertake assignments.

Most consulting companies are either focused on high-level, strategic advice to the C-suite and Boards while others engage tasks on the ground. Inviera prides itself to be the bridge between those two worlds: based on our extensive knowledge and experience in mid and top-management positions as well as our down-to-earth consulting work and stints at startups we can satisfy the needs of both constituencies.
Talk to us if you need support on executive level with an understanding of what is happening with your troops and how things work in real life.
Talk to us if you need assistance in execution and implementation with an understanding of the big picture and requirements of top management and owners.
Talk to us if you prefer the attention and customer care only a small firm can provide.